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Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes January 23, 2007
Description Gallatin County Commissioners' Journal No. January 23, 2007
Date 01/23/2007 Location County Commission
Time Speaker Note
9:05:04 AM Chairman Skinner Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Commissioners Skinner and Murdock, Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan and Acting Clerk to the Board Stephanie Young. Commissioner White has been excused as he is in Helena doing legislative work.  
9:06:00 AM Chairman Skinner There was no public comments on any matters within the Commission's jurisdiction.
9:06:16 AM Clerk to the Board Stephanie Young Read the Consent Agenda as follows: 1) Approval of Claims
9:06:46 AM   There was no public comment.
9:06:56 AM Commissioner Murdock I move that we approve the consent agenda as read.
9:07:00 AM Chairman Skinner Second
9:07:08 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:07:11 AM Chairman Skinner Proclamation declaring January 20th through January 27th, 2007 Cowboy and Ranch Heritage Week
9:07:26 AM Chairman Skinner Read the proclamation into the record.
9:08:56 AM   There was no public comment.
9:09:09 AM Commissioner Murdock Even though I am not dressed appropriately, I would move that we proclaim the week January 20th through the 27th, Cowboy and Ranch Heritage Week.
9:09:19 AM Chairman Skinner Second
9:09:20 AM   Board Discussion
9:09:36 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:09:43 AM Chairman Skinner Board Appointment(s):
9:09:53 AM Commissioner Murdock Fair Board
9:11:10 AM   There was no public comment.
9:11:23 AM Commissioner Murdock I would heartily recommend or accept the recommendation of the board to appoint Charles Busta to replace Mr. Foster.
9:11:34 AM Chairman Skinner Second
9:11:38 AM   Board Discussion
9:11:55 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:12:01 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution to Abandon on a 60-Foot Wide County Road Easement in the W1/2NW1/4 Section 26, T1N, R3E
9:12:19 AM Clerk and Recorder Charlotte Mills Presentation
9:13:16 AM   There was no public comment.
9:13:28 AM Commissioner Murdock In the resolution here, it states that the viewing committee showed that the road was once paved but hasn't been maintained for many years and then on the north side of the road is a fence separating the Feddes and Pierce, Emery land with open fields on either side of the road and the viewing committee also reported that no one would be landlocked and to us that is usually a huge factor, nor would they be denied access to public lands if the petitions were granted and that you thought it would be feasible and that the landowner's immediately adjacent to the road in question here have consented. So, those are all ingredients that we would usually support a road abandonment and so with that finding and the acceptance of the report, I would move that we approve Resolution #2007-004 to abandon this portion of the road.
9:14:25 AM Chairman Skinner Second
9:14:35 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:14:39 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on Partial Release of an Improvements Agreement for Phase 2A of Mount Ellis Meadows Phase 2A Major Subdivision/PUD
9:14:50 AM County Planner Sean O'Callaghan Staff Report
9:16:19 AM   There was no public comment.
9:16:35 AM Commissioner Murdock Move to approve the partial release of Improvements Agreement for Phase 2A of the Mount Ellis Meadows Phase 2A Major Subdivision/PUD.
9:16:43 AM Chairman Skinner Second
9:16:48 AM   Board Discussion
9:17:09 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:17:12 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on Request for a Conditional Use Permit to Allow a Small Scale Broadcast Facility for Verizon Wireless at 3625 South 19th Ave.
9:17:30 AM County Planner Tim Skop Staff Report
9:21:09 AM Paul Slotemaker, Attorney  Comments on behalf of client; Verizon Wireless.
9:21:50 AM   There was no public comment.
9:22:03 AM Commissioner Murdock I am pleased that we have the stealth and camouflage requirement in here, because I think that without being camouflaged in certain locations these things can be a plague in the landscape, but this one's not and I think you've done a good job with it, so I would move that we approve it with the conditions.  
9:22:26 AM Chairman Skinner Second
9:22:31 AM   Board Discussion/Findings
9:23:23 AM Deputy County Attorney Greg Sullivan Advised the Commission to make a finding on the following, "That the service provided by the proposed facility cannot be adequately received from other properly zoned locations."
9:23:41 AM Commissioner Murdock Comments
9:24:35 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:24:39 AM Chairman Skinner Public Hearing and Decision on Release of an Improvements Agreement for Firelight Meadows Minor Subdivision No. 1 (Paving and Landscaping)
9:24:53 AM County Planner Warren Vaughan Staff Report
9:26:07 AM Mike Lilly, Attorney Comments on behalf of the client; Firelight Meadows, LLC.
9:26:24 AM   Discussion and Questions
9:26:57 AM   There was no public comment.
9:27:07 AM Commissioner Murdock Based on the staff's findings, the letter from George Durkin who also didn't inspect it, but he accept their certification, I would move that we approve the release of an Improvements Agreement for Firelight Meadows Minor Subdivision No. 1.  
9:27:27 AM Chairman Skinner Second
9:27:36 AM   Motion passed unanimously.
9:27:39 AM   There were no Pending Resolutions.
9:27:41 AM   Meeting Adjourned.